Freedom of the Press Foundation


press freedom

for the next generation

Project List

Modern tools for fearless journalism

securedrop for home page


Our open source whistleblower submission system helps journalists communicate with sources anonymously and securely. It is used in over 60 news outlets worldwide.

David Huerta, FPF security trainer

Digital Security Education

Our training team delivers digital security trainings to news organizations, individual journalists, and filmmakers all over the world to educate and advance press freedom.

U.S. Press Freedom Tracker all-time heatmap

U.S. Press Freedom Tracker

Our news site and database systematically document press freedom violations in the U.S. — from arrests of journalists and the seizure of their equipment to assaults and subpoenas.

Marion County Record newspapers with headline "Seized... but not silenced"

On the Issues

Stay up to date on government secrecy, surveillance, and the rights of journalists and whistleblowers. Help us fight for press freedom for all.


Journalists rely on us.

We rely on you.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to protect our nation’s journalists and whistleblowers.

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