Mailing Address & Tax ID

You can send a check via mail to:

Freedom of the Press Foundation
49 Flatbush Ave, #1017, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Tax ID: 46-0967274


You can make a donation in cryptocurrency. We accept donations in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, ZCash and Stellar.

If you would like to discuss your donation or donate in a cryptocurrency not currently supported, please email [email protected] with the subject “Cryptocurrency”.

For administrative reasons, we cannot currently issue refunds for cryptocurrency donations. If you require a tax receipt, please email us at [email protected] prior to your donation.

Stock Gifts

You can help us further our efforts to defend press freedom with a gift of stock. The value of stocks upon sale is tax deductible.

If you would like to make an electronic transfer of stock to FPF, please fill out this form or email our team at [email protected] with the subject "Stock Gift" to begin the process. We will need to know the identity and address of the donor, as well as any restrictions to the gift (for example, a gift intended for use in a particular program area). If requested, we will honor a donor’s request for anonymity and will use contact information for internal record-keeping only.

Donor Advised Funds

You may also use a donor-advised fund to direct charitable donations. This enables you to contribute cash, securities, or other assets and makes you generally eligible for an immediate tax deduction. Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and BNY Mellon are a few examples of firms that offer donor-advised funding.

Matching Gifts

Does your employer have a matching gift program? You could increase the impact of your donation if you work for one of the hundreds of companies that match employee contributions. Check your eligibility with your employer to see if you qualify to double your support!

We’ll provide a tax receipt to include when submitting your company’s matching gift form. This will usually be either an online portal or a verification form from your employer’s human resources office. Feel free to email us at [email protected] with the subject "Match Gift" for additional guidance on matching gifts.

Planned Giving

By including a gift to FPF in your estate plans, you help secure the long-term future of our work.

There are many ways to include a gift in your estate plans, such as making a simple bequest or designating FPF as a beneficiary of your retirement or investment account, as well as gifting real estate, creating endowments, and many more options. Gifts to FPF also entitle your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.

For more information and details on the options to make a planned gift that’s right for you, please email our team at [email protected] with the subject "Planned Giving".

Freedom of the Press Foundation does not provide tax or legal advice. We recommend you consult with your legal/financial advisors for more information on how a gift would work in your circumstances.