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    FOIA Lawsuit No. 5: My Attempt to Access the Secret Report Claiming Snowden’s Leaks Could Damage National Security

    FOIA Article

    Last month, Shane Harris published a report in Foreign Policy revealing that that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) prepared a report and concluded Edward Snowden’s leaks and the news reports on the top-secret documents he disclosed could “gravely impact” national security.   The Foreign Policy report quoted House Intelligence Committee Chairman …

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    EXCLUSIVE: Clapper Memo Reveals Rationale Behind NSA Review Group Secrecy

    Secrecy Article

    <!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!-- DV.load("//", { width: 600, height: 600, sidebar: false, text: false, pdf: false, page: 2, container: "#DV-viewer-808719-clapper-memo-exempting-nsa-review-group-from-faca" }); //--><!]]> When President Obama announced last August that he would take steps to try and win back public confidence in the wake of a series of troubling disclosures by The Guardian …

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    Here Are The Secret Details Gitmo Warden Claimed Could Be Used By Al-Qaeda to Attack Prison

    Secrecy Article

    <!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!-- DV.load("//", { width: 600, height: 600, sidebar: false, text: false, pdf: false, container: "#DV-viewer-801592-col-bogdans-unsealed-guantanamo-declaration-in" }); //--><!]]> Score one for transparency.  A federal court judge on Thursday—in response to a motion I filed in July—unsealed Guantanamo warden Col. John Bogdan’s six-page sworn declaration pertaining to a genital search policy …

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    NSA Claims No Audio, Transcripts or Notes From Official's Interview With Gellman, But Assertion Appears to Be Untrue

    FOIA Article

    <!--//--><![CDATA[// ><!-- DV.load("//", { width: 600, height: 600, sidebar: false, text: false, pdf: false, container: "#DV-viewer-797986-nsa-response-to-leopold-foia-for-interview-audio" }); //--><!]]> Last month, Barton Gellman published an explosive story in the Washington Post about the NSA's widespread privacy violations, based on documents he obtained from whistleblower Edward Snowden.  Gellman also wrote a companion …