Prosecution of Indiana journalist furthers national anti-press climate

Stephanie Sugars, FPF
FPF experts weigh in on current press freedom issues in media outlets worldwide
The Utah legislature is retaliating against one journalist and kicking all independent reporters out of the statehouse in the process, a new lawsuit claims
Biden’s Tim Burke prosecution will help Trump criminalize the reporting of corporate secrets
Hating the social media platform isn’t a good reason to destroy the First Amendment for the entire internet
Trump's lawsuit over ABC's characterization of sexual abuse verdict was defensible
Laws limiting media access to executions must be reformed
Secret court hearing threatens the First Amendment and more
In the end, the campaign to censor a journalist has brought far more attention to Maury Blackman’s domestic violence arrest
Here’s what the Democratic Party can still do to protect press freedom before Trump takes office
Reports on the journalist’s murder are still secret. Their release would place democratic principles over a relationship with an authoritarian ruler
The government cannot silence its critics to save itself from embarrassment