A transformative donation in the fight for transparency and press freedom

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Promoting press freedom in the 21st century

We are thrilled to announce that Jack Dorsey’s philanthropic initiative, #startsmall, has generously donated $10 million to Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) to further our work to protect press freedom for all in the 21st century.

As a defender of transparency, open source software and free expression, Jack — Block Head, Chairman, and co-founder of Block Inc. — launched #startsmall’s Open Internet Development fund to support the type of innovative work that’s at the core of FPF.

“We’re incredibly grateful for this game-changing grant from Jack Dorsey and #smartsmall,” said FPF Executive Director Trevor Timm. “At Freedom of the Press Foundation, we focus on real-world challenges that investigative journalists face every day, and Jack’s transformative gift allows us to lead the fight to ensure a free press is protected for everyone in the years to come.

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“This new funding from #startsmall is the largest gift in our organization’s history,” Timm continued. “It will bolster and reshape our ability to build the next generation of open source tools to protect press freedom, and to train thousands more journalists in digital security, build open data sets to strengthen press freedom rights for all, and advocate for the public’s right to know.”

In 2023, Dorsey and #startsmall also contributed a significant gift to FPF to help establish the memorial Daniel Ellsberg Chair on Government Secrecy. We’ll have more news on this important new position later next week.


If you are inspired by these gifts and would like to contribute to funding FPF, please contact our Executive Director Trevor Timm at [email protected]. Your tax-deductible support will make a lasting impact in the fight for press freedom and government transparency. Together, we can protect the vital role that journalism plays in preserving democracy and promoting the public good.

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