Please fill out the form below to provide us with some more background about you and/or your organization and the services you are interested in.

For most folks, completing this form will take about 10 minutes. Please try to answer all questions — but don't worry if you're not sure of some of your answers. Even if it's not comprehensive, the information you provide us here about your group and/or organization will help us better prepare for an intake call to discuss your specific needs and goals in working with FPF. You can expect a follow-up from us within two to five business days.

If you are currently experiencing a security crisis, we encourage you to review these real-time resources in addition to submitting the form below.

Looking for consulting or other services? Use our consulting & other services request form.

Training Services Request Form

(so we know who to contact)
(if applicable; if you are a freelancer, enter "freelancer")
(If you have a work/organizational email or phone number associated with this request we recommend using it here. Please review/verify before submitting)
(including volunteers and unpaid staff)
(select up to three)
Country and/or region; If you are concerned about revealing your location, enter "NA"
(please estimate, this can be updated later)
(please review our sliding scale to estimate your most appropriate rate)
(this information helps us customize your course better)
Please use discretion in describing potentially sensitive information about people or events.

If you prefer, you can contact us via PGP-encrypted email at [email protected] (key: 83F3 47CE C009 5C15 EBE7 A8A5 DC84 CA37 89C1 7673).