Hello again!

It’s Martin, principal researcher at Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), with our regular update on the U.S. Journalism School Digital Security Curriculum.

J-school security curriculum highlights

  • We’ve added new slides to our Malware module to help instructors get started sharing the good word about Dangerzone, a piece of software created by previous board member, Micah Lee, and now maintained by Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF). Dangerzone helps sanitize potentially malicious PDFs and photos so you can open them safely. Take a look at the updated module.

Highlights from digital security in the news

What we’re watching:

As always, let me and our team know how you’re using the curriculum, what’s useful, and how it can be improved! Feel free to respond to this email or [email protected].

Thanks so much,


Martin Shelton

Deputy Director of Digital Security

Freedom of the Press Foundation