Today, Freedom of the Press Foundation is proud to join organizations worldwide in opposing mass, suspicionless surveillance.

We’re at a turning point in the fight for surveillance reform. Thanks to surveillance revelations, we now know that the NSA—in partnership with intelligence agencies around the world—is sweeping up vast quantities of our personal data. This includes huge swaths of Internet traffic copied directly off the fiber optic cables, location information of millions of digital devices, telephone records for millions of law-abiding Americans, and even surveillance of online gaming platforms like World of Warcraft and Angry Birds.

Free speech is chilled by the specter of ubiquitous surveillance. Just as journalists rely on secure and private communications to investigate stories and communicate with sources, individuals worldwide need to have the freedom to communicate, access information and use technology without big brother’s watching eyes. Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press, Committee to Protect Journalists, and a host of other press freedom organizations have made a similar point.

As defenders of press freedom, we recognize mass surveillance to be a direct threat to an unrestrained, independent Fourth Estate. That’s why we’re urging our friends to join us in The Day We Fight Back, an international action against mass spying.  

You can go to here and use our awesome tool that takes all the pain out of calling your representatives. The tool will automatically connect you with their offices and you can read from the simple script about why this issue is important and how Congress push for reform.

The tool also allows you to email your representative, but remember: nothing is more important than a call: they’re impossible to ignore. Right now, we are averaging 5,000 calls per hour to Congressional offices. Help us raise that number even higher and make your voice heard today.