The enduring press freedom legacy of Max Frankel

Lawyers and judge involved in illegal prior restraint should face consequences
Substack and Amazon Web Services’ First Amendment defense of journalist Jack Poulson should be a model for other platforms
A troubling federal court decision that upholds New Jersey’s Daniel’s Law lowers the First Amendment bar for privacy laws
We warned that the TikTok ban forgets the lessons of the Pentagon Papers case. Last week’s court decision upholding the law proved our point
Tactics used by businessman against reporting he dislikes are increasingly common. Here’s how reporters can be prepared and fight back
Threats to arrest journalists are the latest in a long line of egregious press freedom violations in the Golden State
Listen to leading press freedom advocates discuss what they saw during last week’s Democratic National Convention
We warned them, in print and on the radio, that dispersing law-abiding journalists violates the First Amendment. They did it anyway
When college activists in Chicagoland tampered with newspapers they were charged with obscure crimes. But now the city of Chicago is doing the tampering
The government cannot silence its critics to save itself from embarrassment