You are looking at articles written by Trevor Timm.

Incredible news: President Obama has commuted the sentence of whistleblower Chelsea Manning

Brave whistleblower Chelsea Manning will be released from prison on May 17th, rather than in 2045. 

Introducing Secure The News, an automated tool tracking the adoption of HTTPS encryption across news websites

HTTPS protects reader privacy, security, and prevents censorship. We're tracking its adoption.

Over 150 filmmakers and photojournalists call on major camera manufacturers to build encryption into their cameras

Camera manufacturers need to build in encryption to protect filmmakers and photojournalists.

How the Obama administration laid the groundwork for Trump’s coming crackdown on the press

Trump has threatened to crackdown on the press, and sadly Obama has left him all the tools to do so. 

Freedom of the Press Foundation's new look, and our plans to protect press freedom for 2017

Check out our brand new website, and read about our plans for protecting press freedom in the age of Donald Trump.

Out-of-control North Dakota prosecutors still pursuing reporter Amy Goodman, even after judge dismisses riot charge

Why are prosecutors attempting to throw reporters in jail for documenting protests?

North Dakota needs to immediately drop its outrageous charges against journalist Amy Goodman

It's blatantly unconstitutional to prosecute reporters for doing their job.  

Some questions for those who are cheering Gawker's demise, the pioneering and controversial media blog, officially died yesterday. It was killed by billionaire Peter Thiel in his successful quest to bankrupt Gawker Media Group through a series …

Leaked FBI documents reveal secret rules for spying on journalists with National Security Letters

Today, The Intercept published leaked documents that contain the FBI’s secret rules for targeting journalists and sources with National Security Letters (NSLs)—the controversial and unconstitutional warrantless tool the FBI uses …