Congress can end warrantless spying on journalists and other Americans

Surveillance law Section 702 shouldn’t be renewed without significant reforms

Secret science laws limit access to research records

Denying the press and public access to records isn’t the right way to protect academic freedom

Sunlight on social media: Government officials’ posts should be public records

A new decision from Pennsylvania unnecessarily complicates the public’s right to know about government business conducted on social media

Congress: Don’t let jet owners cover their tracks on the taxpayer dime

Protect press and public access to private jet flight data

Government is at its most innovative when ducking transparency

Agencies are increasingly emboldened to preempt records requests with closure rules

Return cameras to C-SPAN control and restore transparency

FPF, Demand Progress and more than 40 organizations urge the House to return control of the cameras to C-SPAN to serve the public

Judges can now censor the internet on the taxpayer dime

Congress gifts judges unprecedented and unconstitutional powers.

Supreme Court goes live in the age of COVID, and rules on press freedom issues

The Supreme Court will take the unprecedented step of broadcasting its oral arguments for two weeks beginning today, enacting in response to the coronavirus pandemic a measure that government transparency advocates have demanded for years.

How Trump’s government shutdown ground transparency to a halt

During Trump’s 35 day partial government shutdown—the longest in history—FOIA requests and FOIA litigation ground to a halt.

One year on, the push for change since the murder of Malta's most famous investigative journalist

Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered on October 16, 2017. Her death has divided Malta and shaken governmental and journalistic institutions to their core. The year since has functioned as a national reckoning, a questioning, and a movement.