One size doesn't fit all. We understand that your organization may not fall perfectly into a single tier.
Our sliding scale pricing is based on the honor system. Simply select the tier where the most descriptors apply. If you are having trouble determining your place on the scale, get in touch with us to have a conversation about pricing.
We always aim to support those most in need so do not let pricing be a barrier. We can discuss options that work best for you.
Please note: Services may be priced per hour, per training, per series, per day, or per consultancy. Services with multiple trainers or consultants will have adjusted pricing. All such prices are based on the same hourly rates expressed in the scale below.
Prices below do not include: preparation hours, service customization fees, travel, lodging, and per diem expenses, which are billed separately as needed.
50% off or $200/hr/trainer
For human rights work with very limited resources, primarily supporting underserved communities. Applies to you if ...
- You have an operating budget of $500,000 or less.
- You are a worker-owned cooperative or grassroots initiative.
- You are sustained entirely by volunteer labor, grant funding, and/or donations.
*Prioritized for underresourced and high-risk individuals and organizations; especially those led by communities of color, immigrants, disabled people, queer people, transgender and gender-nonconforming people, those living under authoritarian regimes, and working-class people.
25% off or $325/hr/trainer
For small nonprofits and organizations with limited resources, primarily supporting underserved communities. Applies to you if ...
- You have an operating budget between $500,000 and $1 million.
- You are a small nonprofit newsroom
- You have secured some reliable multiyear funding.
Standard price or $450/hr/trainer
For medium-to-large nonprofits and for-profits with reliable or corporate resources. Applies to you if ...
- You have an operating budget between $1 million and $12 million.
- You are a medium-to-large nonprofit, for-profit, or corporate newsroom.
- You have $10,000 or more available to support digital security at the whole organization.
Redistribution price or $600/hr/trainer
For large, multinational and/or global corporate conglomerates, and for-profits that wish to pay a 25% premium to help support our training program. Applies to you if ...
- You have an operating budget of more than $12 million.
- You have some internal digital security resources (e.g., CISO, cybersecurity or OpSec team, basic training during onboarding, etc.)
- You pay for staff to attend trainings or receive professional development support at least once per year.
Large nonprofits, for-profit and corporate businesses: You are strongly encouraged to self-select at the top tier of the scale — the syndicator rate — which allows for 25% of what you pay to be put back into the program, making it possible for us to work with those at highest risk and lowest level of resources, at little to no cost to them.
Our pricing philosophy
Every penny you pay goes back into providing digital security support to the community.
Currently, FPF’s digital security team is fortunate to not have to rely on selling services to sustain its work. True to the nonprofit model, we do not collect a profit from any of our services. That said, to ensure the team’s sustainability, we do charge for services to offset the costs of operations. When you pay for our services, you are helping to ensure that others can receive those services, too.
We offer competitive and affordable pricing.
We charge competitive prices for our digital security training and consulting services, considerably lower than corporate-run organizations and on par with our independently operating peers in the field.
Cost should never be a barrier to safety.
We are committed to offering affordable digital security support to as many journalists, news organizations, human rights workers, and mission-adjacent individuals and organizations as possible. To that end, we operate on a sliding scale. We will work with you to find a budget and payment plan that fits your needs.
Pro bono options are available.
If you or your organization have limited resources or no budget, don’t let that keep you from reaching out to us. In exceptional circumstances, we are able to offer further discounts and can take on a limited number of pro bono engagements per year.
We offer multiple avenues to digital security support.
In addition, we provide quarterly digital security trainings through our membership program (memberships start at $5/month) and run ongoing coprograming.
Ready to work with us? Get in touch.