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    Keybase for beginners

    Communication securityGuide

    When working together online, chat tools like Slack are useful, but allow the service provider to read your messages. Keybase simplifies the process of sharing files and having conversations securely.Keybase is end-to-end encrypted, meaning that only you and your conversational partners can read the messages and files you …

    Header image titled, "U.S. Journalism School Security Curriculum"

    Module: File safety


    This module begins with a short discussion about information hidden in files, and the potential risks tied to file metadata. It follows with a short exercise to have students find the file metadata embedded in a photo, followed by discussion of risk minimization.PrerequisitesThreat modeling(Good to know) Malware …

    Header image titled, "U.S. Journalism School Security Curriculum"

    Module: Obfuscating location


    This module opens with an introduction to the need for location obfuscation techniques, and what a VPN does. Instructors may then talk through basics of IP addresses, Virtual Private Networks, and the Tor network. Students will be asked to install Tor and navigate to the New York Times SecureDrop .onion …

    Header image titled, "U.S. Journalism School Security Curriculum"

    Module: Digital security 101


    This module will not provide an exhaustive look at this topic, but will instead provide the starting point for students to know how to investigate their digital security questions as needed.This lecture and activities will briefly introduce several foundational topics on digital security, including the basics of threat modeling, …