Advice column: Is it safe to unlock my phone with my face?

Recent insight into the capabilities and limitations of GrayKey, a secretive phone forensics tool, highlight the importance of updates
In lawsuit against NSO Group, documents reveal the spyware vendor disconnected 10 abusive government customers
Tracking IDs baked into your mobile device reveal visits to abortion clinics and more.
To be curious is to be human — including about what’s on that USB drive. But first, let’s think through how to access it safely.
Police raid on Marion County Record underscores digital security threats to media orgs.
Both the newsroom and individual journalists must make some changes to work from home securely.
The environment in the U.S. surrounding digital security threats to journalists is evolving. What should journalists do to better protect themselves, sources, and colleagues from escalating digital security threats?
Learn about how to tighten your home Wi-Fi router's security settings.
One of the most common questions we get in training journalists on two-factor authentication (2FA) is: How hard are these hardware security keys exactly? Our digital security team has plenty of anecdotes to support their durability, but we've decided to methodically put them to the test.
This guide is intended for readers familiar with using PGP who want to take an extra step in fortifying the security around their private key. Some of these steps also utilize a command-line interface, and it may be helpful to get comfortable with that interface before diving in. For a …