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Trump opens reelection campaign week with escalating rhetoric against the media
The same week that President Donald Trump traveled to Orlando, Florida, to announce his bid for reelection, his escalating negative rhetoric against the media reached an all-time high.
Copyright lawsuit over Trump photo use is a press freedom fight, too
In a decision that could have dangerous reverberations for press freedom, a federal district judge ruled last week that Esquire violated a copyright held by a Deutsche Bank vice president when it published his photo of Donald Trump crashing a stranger’s wedding at his New Jersey club.
Join us in fighting back against powerful corporations trying to silence news and advocacy organizations
SLAPP suits, or “strategic lawsuits against public participation,” are brought by wealthy individuals or organizations in an attempt to silence critical speech. They also have huge implications for press freedom. We're joining a campaign to combat this dangerous tactic.
Newsrooms fight their owners to save local journalism
Hedge funds like Alden Global Capital are profiting off of decimating local journalism outlets across the country. But newsrooms are fighting back.
Archiving the alternative press threatened by wealthy buyers
Freedom of the Press Foundation is launching an online archives collection in partnership with Archive-It, a service developed by the Internet Archive to help organizations preserve online content. Our collection, focusing on news outlets we deem to be especially vulnerable to "billionaire problem," aims to preserve sites in their entirety before their archives can be taken down or manipulated.
Protecting net neutrality is an important press freedom issue
The Federal Communications Commission released its proposal to kill net neutrality on Tuesday, which would end the restrictions on internet service providers (ISPs) that attempt to guarantee a free and open internet. Rolling back net neutrality has worrying and dangerous implications specifically for press freedom in a world in which …
Join us in supporting Techdirt as it faces a threatening lawsuit for exercising its First Amendment rights
Techdirt is in a First Amendment fight for its life and needs everyone's support.
Dangerous copyright ideas from a top newspaper group threaten free speech
Fair use is vital for journalism and restricting it would be dangerous for press freedom.
Some questions for those who are cheering Gawker's demise
Gawker.com, the pioneering and controversial media blog, officially died yesterday. It was killed by billionaire Peter Thiel in his successful quest to bankrupt Gawker Media Group through a series of lawsuits he funded – most notably wrestler Hulk Hogan, who sued over the publication of a portion of his …
Help stop billionaires from silencing journalists and critics protected by the First Amendment
The First Amendment provides the press some of the greatest protections in the world against liability from powerful forces attempting to use libel law to silence critics. Unfortunately, that won’t stop many wealthy individuals and corporations from trying to sue smaller news organizations and bloggers—even knowing they will lose the …