RightsCon: Introduction to SecureDrop Workstation

Empowering journalists and whistleblowers to communicate safely.
SecureDrop is an open source whistleblower submission system installed on-premises by news organizations around the world.
SecureDrop Workstation 1.0.0 has been released, offering significant security and usability enhancements for journalists. Key improvements include support for Qubes 4.2, automatic retries for downloads, and new media format compatibility. With these updates, the project transitions into an open beta, enabling more newsrooms to migrate to the next-generation user experience …
The SecureDrop team has introduced the SecureDrop Protocol, designed to enhance security for whistleblowers and journalists. In addition to providing end-to-end encryption, the new protocol eliminates the need for accounts, prevents message flow tracking, and limits the server’s ability to collect metadata. Built with robust cryptographic principles, it’s engineered for …
Join us November 10 and 11 for a SecureDrop hackathon and a weekend full of talks, trainings, and privacy-preserving projects, in honor of computer scientist, activist, and friend Aaron Swartz.
Today the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School has published a first-of-its-kind study on how newsrooms are using SecureDrop, our open-source whistleblower submission system that is now in-use at over thirty news organizations worldwide.People often ask us: How effective is SecureDrop? Do sources use it? These …
UPDATE: You can still participate in the Aaron Swartz SecureDrop hackathon even if you're not located in San Francisco! Just go to this Trello link and click on "Getting Started." -----on Saturday November 7th is the third annual Aaron Swartz Day, which celebrates the life of Aaron and …
Today we’re announcing SecureDrop 0.3.4, the latest release of SecureDrop, and publishing the results of the accompanying security audit by iSEC Partners. This is our fourth audit of SecureDrop and you can read the results of the previous three audits here.We are happy to report that this …
Today, we’re announcing the latest major release of SecureDrop, our open-source whistleblower submission system. SecureDrop 0.3 uses the same basic architecture found in 0.2, but contains numerous improvements focused on better usability for both journalists and sources, a radically simplified installation process, and an auto-updating procedure that allows us to …
We are excited to announce the first four recipients of our next crowd-funding campaign, all of whom may now start receiving donations intended to cover the costs of installing SecureDrop, our open-source whistleblower submission system. The first round includes BalkanLeaks, the Government Accountability Project, Cryptome and Firedoglake. You can …
Freedom of the Press Foundation will soon be launching our next crowd-funding campaign. In the past, we've only selected four recipients for each round, but for this campaign, a much wider range of groups will have a chance to participate.The aim is to get SecureDrop installed in as many …
Update: The Tor Project has released a new version of the Tor Browser Bundle, 3.5.4. This further mitigates client-side vectors, and we recommend users (both sources and journalists) upgrade to the latest version for a stronger security assurance.Today a serious vulnerability was reported on OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 through …