Advice column: Need security advice? Ask a security trainer

Our digital security training team is following in the footsteps of prolific advice columns like Dear Abby and Dear Prudence. So if you are a journalist with a question about digital security or privacy, submit it to the DST team on the form below for our advice column.
Please keep questions short — ideally no more than 150 words — and note that questions may be edited slightly for publication. If your situation is one you wouldn’t want published, you can either use pseudonyms to maintain anonymity, and let us know your pronouns, or for added confidentiality, contact our editorial lead, Martin Shelton, on Signal at the username “mshelton.99” to let us know your question.
You can also use this form to drop us a comment. And if you are looking for digital security training or consultation and don't want to submit anything for publication, please make a request here.