Account security

  1. default social card (URL location fixed)

    Your password was breached. Now what?

    Account securityGuide

    Data breaches, and in particular those including personal passwords for websites or apps, are evergreen news stories that repeat themselves like an Advent calendar for cybersecurity failures. Although these breaches are a regular phenomena, they are trailed by a long, drawn-out window of time where other attackers use breached data …

  2. Diceware at CryptoParty Red Hook

    Three types of passphrases

    Account securityGuide

    The first step to a healthy digital life is an easy-to-implement strategy for managing your account credentials. You’ll notice that we’re using the term “passphrases” instead of “passwords.” Do you wonder why? In short, because passwords are obsolete. They’re too short, they tend to be unimaginative, and chances are, they’re …

  3. Photo of a man in a Guy Fawkes mask, with a fishing reel in hand.

    Phishing prevention and email hygiene

    Account securityGuide

    Journalists and newsrooms are increasingly the victims of hacking and malware, and hackers often target them through email. Virtually every “sophisticated” hack of an individual reporter or entire newsroom involves a relatively simple email attack: phishing and spear phishing.Phishing is a social-engineering attack where an adversary crafts an email …