Preserve Strong Encryption

Public key of encryption software - AP 666348050146

Frank Duenzl/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Journalists rely on strong encryption to protect confidential sources and newsgathering materials.

Journalists use encrypted services to keep information secure and private.

But lawmakers are increasingly attacking encryption. Bills that would require backdoors so law enforcement can access encrypted communications or that would discourage online services from offering strong encryption could have dire impacts on journalists and sources.

Encryption is under threat. We must defend it.

  1. default social card (URL location fixed)

    Digital security conference on Nov. 7th will bring together many of the nation's best reporters and technologists


    This Friday November 7th, Freedom of the Press Foundation—along with Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and Open Technology Institute—are co-hosting a conference on journalism and digital security in Washington DC that will focus on how news organizations and reporters can use technology and encryption to better protect …