Featured Items
Congress should respond to DeSantis’ anti-press roundtable
Press protections must be codified after proposals to weaponize courts against journalists
Judge orders disclosure of funders of lawsuit against CNN
Ruling follows disturbing trend of wealthy and connected financiers attacking the press by bankrolling litigation.
Outrageous social media laws await Supreme Court
Key First Amendment protections face challenges from Texas and Florida.
Palin’s push into press freedom precedent
The case Sarah Palin lost against The New York Times this week was the first libel claim to even go to trial against the paper in nearly two decades. That these cases are so rare reflects a critically important precedent in American law — one established by the Times itself. And though it's a cornerstone of press freedom, it's increasingly under attack.
An important free speech statute that protects journalists in Texas is in danger
The Citizen Participation Act — which protests journalists and news organizations from meritless legal action in Texas — is in serious danger.
Federal court dismisses dangerous charges in lawsuit that threatens First Amendment
A lawsuit by a logging company against environmental groups is a prime example of how corporations bring lawsuits in an attempt to drain their critics of resources and intimidate them into silence.
Join us in fighting back against powerful corporations trying to silence news and advocacy organizations
SLAPP suits, or “strategic lawsuits against public participation,” are brought by wealthy individuals or organizations in an attempt to silence critical speech. They also have huge implications for press freedom. We're joining a campaign to combat this dangerous tactic.
Dangerous lawsuit against Greenpeace threatens news organizations and First Amendment
A harrowing lawsuit against Greenpeace threatens not only environmental advocacy, but also political speech and press freedom.
Join us in supporting Techdirt as it faces a threatening lawsuit for exercising its First Amendment rights
Techdirt is in a First Amendment fight for its life and needs everyone's support.
Some questions for those who are cheering Gawker's demise
Gawker.com, the pioneering and controversial media blog, officially died yesterday. It was killed by billionaire Peter Thiel in his successful quest to bankrupt Gawker Media Group through a series of lawsuits he funded – most notably wrestler Hulk Hogan, who sued over the publication of a portion of his …