Lawsuit seeks transparency on Assange prosecution
Advocates, journalists want answers on why the government risked criminalizing routine journalism to pursue Espionage Act charges against WikiLeaks publisher
Advocates, journalists want answers on why the government risked criminalizing routine journalism to pursue Espionage Act charges against WikiLeaks publisher
Will the Trump administration use the Espionage Act to prosecute reporters?
We're thrilled that you are reading this, because it means you're taking a step toward equipping your students to protect themselves and the people around them, while they work on the web. We put together this README to let you know what's in the curriculum, how it all fits together, …
Investigation of LA journalist is the latest example of authorities blaming journalists for their sources’ alleged crimes
The Espionage Act is used to prosecute whistleblowers and threaten journalists. This is its history.
The Espionage Act is a draconian statute used to stifle press freedom for decades.
Amendment would stop unconstitutional charges against journalists and whistleblowers without impacting real espionage cases
Misguided debates around the Espionage Act have led to a flood of misinformation about what the often-abused law actually does in practice. Left unchecked, it will have a lasting effect on important reform efforts.
In the most important trial affecting whistleblower rights in years, Bradley Manning—the admitted source to the WikiLeaks disclosures—has been convicted on nineteen counts, including multiple Espionage Act and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act charges. He faces over 100 years in jail. While the most pernicious charge, “aiding the …
In a surprising development, the New York Times reported late Friday that the FBI and Justice Department have recommended felony charges against ex-CIA director David Petraeus for leaking classified information to his former biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. While the Times does not specify, the most likely law prosecutors would …