Revisiting the undercover Alito recording, post-Trump v. United States

The secret taping, condemned by journalistic ethicists, is actually a prime example of when surreptitious reporting is justified

The intersections of press freedom and the environment

Journalists, experts speak about threats faced by environmental journalists in honor of World Press Freedom Day

Student journalist covering protests: ‘We have to do it’

Students reporting on campus protests have First Amendment rights — and they’re being violated over and over

Report highlights need for journalists to push back when stonewalled

News readers need to know when the government withholds information from them

NJ court to journalist on publication of official’s address: Do you feel lucky, punk?

Decision empowers state officials to try to stop reporting they dislike

New York law to fund journalists’ jobs should be model for rest of US

We must find new ways — like through employment tax credits — to pay for local news while preserving its independence

Five years after Assange’s UK imprisonment, his prosecution still threatens press freedom

Espionage Act charges against Assange would criminalize journalism, no matter how often the government calls him a hacker

Appeal of convictions by NC journalists could impact reporters statewide

To protect the public’s right to know, the court should find that the press has a First Amendment right to cover police activity in public places

Tim Burke is a journalist. His prosecution tries to criminalize journalism

President Biden has said that journalism isn’t a crime. But the DOJ seems to think otherwise

Charges against journalist Tim Burke are a ‘hack’ job

If the Burke prosecution succeeds, it will encourage the powerful to use a federal computer hacking law to attack reporting that embarrasses them or exposes their wrongdoing.