11 years after Snowden revelations, government still expanding surveillance

New ‘spy draft law’ and ongoing retaliation against those who expose government secrets show there’s a long way to go in combating overreach

Assange decision should be wake-up call for US

America was once recognized as a leader in press rights. Now other countries question its commitment to the First Amendment

Five years after Assange’s UK imprisonment, his prosecution still threatens press freedom

Espionage Act charges against Assange would criminalize journalism, no matter how often the government calls him a hacker

FPF explains the importance of the PRESS Act

Bipartisan bill would protect journalist-source confidentiality and put a stop to government surveillance of reporters

Why political rivals can and should come together for press freedom

It takes courage for politicians likely to be criticized by journalists to nonetheless stand up for their constitutional rights

Harsh punishments for leakers undermine public-interest journalism

The maximum sentence imposed on the ex-IRS contractor who leaked Trump’s tax returns to the press sends a chilling message to other would-be whistleblowers

Frequently asked questions about the PRESS Act

The bill to protect journalist-source confidentiality that passed the House last week is the most important press freedom bill in modern times

Bills threaten encrypted platforms used by journalists

Three bills in Congress would undermine end-to-end encryption, endangering secure communication for reporters and sources

Prosecuting Assange threatens press freedom. US officials should not need the Australians to explain that to them

Our government should have heeded calls to drop charges against Assange long ago. It’s embarrassing that foreigners have to remind us of our constitutional principles

Source protection must survive journalist’s death

The Nevada Supreme Court should bar the search of murdered reporter’s devices