In allowing NC journalist convictions, judge gets the Constitution backward

No, arresting protesters does not require cops to also arrest journalists

Data broker loophole threatens journalists and whistleblowers

Congress should stop law enforcement and intelligence agencies from buying their way around the Fourth Amendment

Journalists, whistleblowers, and activists must be protected from SLAPPs

A patchwork of state laws and the lack of a federal anti-SLAPP law leave free expression vulnerable to chilling lawsuits

The NYPD has a serious press freedom problem

Recent arrest of respected photojournalist was just one of many recent abuses

Congress has reintroduced the PRESS Act. Now lawmakers must pass it.

The federal shield law bill would protect journalists, confidential sources, and the American people’s right to know

Congress can end warrantless spying on journalists and other Americans

Surveillance law Section 702 shouldn’t be renewed without significant reforms

Secret science laws limit access to research records

Denying the press and public access to records isn’t the right way to protect academic freedom

Judge ignores Constitution to bar press from publishing public documents

St. Louis case continues troubling trend of government trying to claw back records it released

A judge struck down an anti-press restraining order. Why does it feel so lousy?

Sanctions are needed so other politicians don’t try similar unconstitutional antics