Press freedom and civil liberties orgs condemn conviction of Asheville journalists

Conviction undermines the First Amendment right to gather news on public land

FPF statement on rejection of Julian Assange’s extradition appeal

Assange's prosecution should be condemned by all who believe in press freedom

Freedom of the Press Foundation welcomes Azmat Khan to its board

Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is proud to welcome award-winning journalist Azmat Khan as the newest member of its board of directors

In honor of a whistleblowing legend: Announcing the Daniel Ellsberg Chair on Government Secrecy

We will honor our friend by fighting for what he fought for his entire life: an end to excessive government secrecy.

More than 45 orgs call to drop charges against Asheville journalists

Prosecution is unconstitutional and against the interests of justice

FPF statement on conviction of Asheville journalists for recording cops

Judge questions whether reporters were journalists and ignores evidence of retaliation

FTC overreaches by demanding Twitter identify journalists

Potential for surveillance underscores need for federal shield law

Bodycam footage confirms Asheville police targeted journalists

Footage of arrests released following FPF court petition

FPF urges court to release bodycam footage of journalists’ arrests

Asheville journalists set for trial but footage remains hidden from public

Return cameras to C-SPAN control and restore transparency

FPF, Demand Progress and more than 40 organizations urge the House to return control of the cameras to C-SPAN to serve the public